Start your health journey

Unsere Praxis bietet eine breite Palette an Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für alle, die nach einem bewussten Lebensstil und gesteigertem Wohlbefinden streben. Von hochwirksamer Präventivmedizin wie DNA-Tests, Mikronährstoffanalysen, IHHT-Zelltrainings- und Infusionstherapien bis hin zur medizinischen Ästhetik – wir unterstützen Sie bei der Optimierung Ihrer Gesundheit. Unsere erfahrenen Ärzte stehen Ihnen zur Seite, um individuelle Therapiepläne zu erstellen, die Ihren persönlichen Gesundheitszielen entsprechen.

Medical consultation

IVme offers comprehensive medical counseling services to enhance health and well-being. Hand in hand with Dr. Skudnigg, we can design a personalized treatment plan using DNA screening, micronutrient analysis, blood tests, and other diagnostic measures to help you reach your individual health goals.

Vitamin Infusion

A simple way to supply the body with important vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Among other things, this also ensures that active ingredients can be fully absorbed by the human organism without being lost. Our infusions can strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and improve metabolism. They can also help reduce fatigue, exhaustion and improve skin health.


Nicotinamide-Adenine-Dinucleotide - a coenzyme rules everything. NAD+ is involved in all metabolic processes in our body. It plays a major role in the function of the heart, muscles, liver and kidneys, as well as neurological functions. Our NAD+ levels decrease dramatically as we age. This causes aging processes to begin. Replenish your NAD+ levels intravenously and reverse the aging process. 

Interval altitude training

IHHT for Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Training: The New Therapy Method. Using an altitude air training device, air conditions are simulated at high altitudes to exercise the body and promote our cellular health. This involves alternating between intervals of low and elevated oxygen levels to improve performance and endurance.


Bodyforming with EMSCULPT neo: For enhanced well-being, strength, endurance, and a sculpted body image, IVme embraces a revolutionary, non-invasive technology that is unique worldwide: With the help of EMSCULPT Neo, muscles can be specifically built up as well as fat reduced.


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